Chronic Neck Pain

Causes and Treatments for Chronic Neck Pain

Chronic neck pain can significantly impact your quality of life and limit your enjoyment of sports or other hobbies. Chronic neck pain can even affect your ability to perform simple tasks if left untreated. Fortunately, your chiropractor near you at Bernards Sports Chiropractic & Physical Rehabilitation in Bernardsville, NJ, can provide lasting neck pain relief with holistic and non-invasive care. We are here to tell you some of the most common causes of chronic neck pain and how we can help treat them.


Causes of Chronic Neck Pain

While minor neck pain often occurs due to mild strains and misalignments, chronic neck pain typically occurs due to prolonged musculoskeletal issues and injuries. Some of the most common causes of chronic neck pain that our chiropractor treats include:

Text Neck

Text neck occurs when you overextend your neck and strain it for multiple hours, typically while using a smartphone or tablet. This cause of chronic neck pain is steadily rising in the digital age as we grow accustomed to screen usage for work or play.

Sports Injuries

Sports injuries that involve a head-on collision or rapid movement of the head can induce chronic neck pain. Sports like football, wrestling, and gymnastics can put excessive stress on the neck, leading to muscle strains, ligament sprains, and disc herniations.

Auto Accidents

The abrupt stopping of your vehicle during an auto accident often causes neck pain. One of the most frequent auto accident injuries is whiplash, which involves the rapid forward and backward movement of the head and neck. This movement can strain and tear the muscles in your neck, causing stiffness, pain, and limited mobility.

Poor Posture

Poor posture from slouching or hunching over while working can cause misalignments in the spine. These misalignments can lead to chronic back and neck pain if left untreated. Poor lifting technique and prolonged computer use can also strain the neck muscles.

Chiropractic Neck Pain Treatment

Your chiropractor near you can perform multiple techniques to alleviate neck pain and restore mobility. Some of the most frequent methods our chiropractor uses for chronic pain treatment include:

  • Posture Correction: Correcting your posture can reduce pain and inflammation in the neck.
  • Chiropractic Adjustments: Chiropractic adjustments restore your spine’s alignment, alleviating neck pressure and pain.
  • Ergonomic Adjustments: Your chiropractor can recommend ergonomic adjustments to prevent back pain in the future. These can include choosing more comfortable chairs or adjusting the way you sit to help keep pressure off your neck.
  • Soft Tissue Therapies: Depending on the root cause of your neck pain, you may also benefit from soft tissue therapies. These therapies can relax tense muscles in your neck while improving blood flow. Doing this can enhance your body’s healing ability and reduce inflammation.

Experience Lasting Neck Pain Relief Today at Bernards Sports Chiropractic & Physical Rehabilitation

Untreated chronic neck pain can be debilitating and make day-to-day life challenging, so contact Bernards Sports Chiropractic & Physical Rehabilitation in Bernardsville, NJ, to get the neck pain relief you need to feel like yourself again. Call us and schedule a consultation today at (908) 221-1334 to experience the long-lasting benefits of chiropractic care.

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